Some of my Forbes commentaries
If you click through on the headings below, you can get to the articles concerned. Most of them focus on international trade or American decline or both. For my first item, however, I chose something different — partly because it is of more general interest and partly because the response to it was particularly memorable. Not the least aspect of that was response was that Mayer Brown dropped the lawsuit like a hot brick. Another aspect was that Yoshiko Sakurai, a veteran Japanese broadcaster, was moved to describe it as “in extremely poor taste.” See whether you agree!
‘Disgusting!,’ Cry Legal Experts: Is This The Lowest A Top U.S. Law Firm Has Ever Stooped?
Now They Tell Us: The Story Of Japan’s ‘Lost Decades’ Was Just One Big Hoax
Super Tuesday Post-Mortem: If Hillary Thinks America Is Still Great, She Needs To Get Out More
Memo To Benighted U.S. Economists: The Importance Of Being Irish — Or Danish, Or Swedish
China Knows Something You Don’t: U.S. Economists Are History’s Biggest Patsies
If You Trust The American Press, Here’s A Thought Experiment
Even Martians Know What The Press Won’t Say: Disastrous China Trade Policy Drove Trump/Sanders Wins
Like 1950s Detroit, Boeing Is Underestimating Emerging Japanese Competition
Reports Of America’s Manufacturing Renaissance Are Just A Cruel Political Hoax
Where It Counts, ‘Basket-Case Japan’ Is Beating The Pants Off The United States
American Decline: More Wishful Thinking from the Naysayers
Henry Kissinger Says American Decline Is A Myth: What Are You Smokin’, Dude?
U.S. Decline: An Open Letter to a Closed Mind
American Decline: Is It for Real?
Here are some other articles that may be of interest:
After the Financial Times buyout, let’s stop belittling Japan’s success
(The Guardian, London)
(The Unz Review, Palo Alto)
(The American Conservative, Washington)
(The New York Times)